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Video Library: Parent Academies


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Parent Academy Video Library

Parent Academies are a chance to learn more about opportunities within the school system and how to access various resources. The intent of these sessions is to connect the district with families. Videos posted here are the result of various sessions and topics that may be of interest to familes of middle and high school age students.

College Applications 101

High School Scheduling for Success

Stress Doesn't Have to Be Stressful Parent Academy

Transitioning to College With A Disability

Preparing for the FAFSA: Paying for College

NC School of Science and Math Overview

NC Governer's School Overview 23-24

Plan, Apply, and Pay for College

Virtual College Fair Information:

Session 1 Monday, October 2, 2023; 6 pm to 7:15 pm

Featuring: East Carolina University, NC State University, UNC Asheville, Winston-Salem State University

Session 2 Tuesday, October 3, 2023; 6 pm to 7:15 pm

Featuring: Fayetteville State University, UNC School of the Arts, UNC Wilmington, UNC-Chapel Hill

Session 3 –Wednesday, October 4, 2023; 6 pm to 7:15 pm

Featuring: Elizabeth City State University, NC A&T State University, UNC Charlotte, Western Carolina University

Session 4 – Thursday, October 5, 2023; 6 pm to 7:15 pm

Featuring: Appalachian State University, North Carolina Central University, UNC Greensboro, UNC Pembroke College Due Dates and other key information: NC Promise $500 Tuition Program

UNC-Pembroke, Western, Elizabeth City State University, Fayetteville State University

Carolina Promise $500 Program

Recordings of Parent Academies:

Forgivable Education Loan for Service:

Our schedule for upcoming Parent Academies (updating throughout the year) can always be found on the district website at for FSA ID and FAFSA Process

Vaping Parent Academy

Contact Information for Vaping Resources: 

Amy Small:

Alyssa Jackson:

8th Grade to Freshman Transition Academy

High School Scheduling for Success Parent Academy

Financial Aid Award Letters: Making Sense of College Funding

Making College Affordable 2023

Making College Affordable: FAFSA and Scholarships

NC Governer's School Family Overview

CFNC and NC Careers Overview

North Carolina School of Science and Math Overview Session

Rising Freshman Parent Academy

NC School of Science and Math Overview

Applying for Competitive Scholarships and Honors College