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Elementary Science: K-5

K-2 Science

Throughout grades K-2, students will be actively involved in exploring phenomena in the natural world.  At this level, students will begin to develop simple skills of observation, measurement, and number sense as they participate in simple investigations. During investigations, students will use tools such as magnifiers, thermometers, rulers, or balances to gather data and extend their senses.  


3-5 Science 

Throughout grades 3-5, strategies for finding solutions to questions improve as they gain experience conducting simple investigations and working in small groups.  During investigations, students will have the opportunity to use more advanced tools to gather data and learn to keep accurate records and run enough trials to be confident of their results to test a prediction.  Students will be given experiences that allow them to recognize patterns in data and use data to create reasonable explanations of results of an experiment or investigation. 


Safety in K-5 Science Classes

Teachers are urged to review the safety considerations and information contained in the presentations below. 

  1. General Science Safety Checklist (Topic A)
  2. Protective Equipment (Topic B)
  3. Chemicals in the Elementary Classroom (Topic C)
  4. Animals in the Classroom (Topic D)
  5. Plants in the Classroom (Topic E)
  6. Field Experiences/Field Trips (Topic F)
  7. Legal Responsibilities for Elementary (Topic G)
  8. Science Safety BOY Presentation (Presentations shared by schools that have been modified for district use)
  9. Teacher Chemical Inventory Documentation

Science and Safety: It's Elementary!  (This document is the original Science Safety: It's Elementary as prepared by the Council of State Science Supervisors)

Additional Resources

For additional resources and information, please visit Science at NC DPI.

Elementary Science K-5 Prioritized

Science Continuums

Life Science K-12 Continuum
Physical Science K-12 Continuum
Earth Science K-12 Continuum