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EC Program Coaches

Exceptional Children Program Coaches

The EC Program coaches provide support to school staff, students and parents.  EC Program coaches provide valuable training to staff to ensure quality instruction for students and the IEP development process.  Coaches collaborate, model, and assist with implementation of academic programs, behavior plans and IEP's.   Each coach is based at and serves two or more schools.

Bell Fork Elementary Megan Batchelor
Blue Creek Elementary Andrea Cumpton
Carolina Forest Elementary Jenna Klewicki
Clear View Elementary Kim Carberry
Clyde Erwin Elementary Point of Contact: Jenna Klewicki
Coastal Elementary Megan Batchelor
Dixon Elementary Point of Contact: Megan Batchelor
Dixon Middle Point of Contact: Shelby Foster
Dixon High Cassie Lanier
Heritage Elementary Megan Batchelor
Hunters Creek Elementary Jolynn Powell
Hunters Creek Middle Jolynn Powell
Jacksonville Commons Elementary Aimee Nielsen
Jacksonville Commons Middle Layne Asher
Jacksonville High Layne Asher
Meadow View Elementary Aimee Nielsen
Morton Elementary Jenna Klewicki
New Bridge Middle Layne Asher
Northside High Shelby Foster
Northwoods Elementary Jolynn Powell
Northwoods Park Middle Andrea Cumpton
Onslow County Learning Center Point of Contact: Layne Asher
Onslow Virtual School Kim Carberry
Parkwood Elementary Kim Mowell
Queens Creek Elementary Point of Contact: Jolynn Powell
Richlands Elementary Cassie Lanier
Richlands High Cassie Lanier
Sand Ridge Elementary Jenna Klewicki
Silverdale Elementary Point of Contact: Kim Carberry
Southwest Elementary Aimee Nielson
Southwest Middle Shelby Foster
Southwest High Shelby Foster
Stateside Elementary Kim Carberry
Summersill Elementary Point of Contact: Kim Mowell
Swansboro Elementary Point of Contact: Aimee Nielson
Swansboro Middle Point of Contact: Andrea Cumpton
Swansboro High Point of Contact: Kim Mowell
Thompson Early Childhood Center Amy Fitts/ Tara Olson/ Beth Kahrimnaovic
Trexler Middle Point of Contact: Cassie Lanier
White Oak High Andrea Cumpton