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Acronym What does it stand for?
AAC  Augmented/Alternative Communication  
ADD  Attention Deficit Disorder 
ADHD  Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder 
APE  Adapted Physical Education 
AT  Assistive Technology 
AU  Autism  
BIP  Behavior Intervention Plan 
CC  Cross Categorical 
CDSA  Children’s Developmental Services Agency
COSF  Child Outcome Summary Form 
CTE  Career and Technical Education 
DB  Deafness-Blindness 
DD  Developmental Delayed or Developmental Disability  
DF  Deaf
DHH  Deaf and Hard of Hearing 
DNQ  Did Not Qualify 
ECAC  Exceptional Children’s Assistance Center 
ELL  English Language Learner 
ESY  Extended School Year
FAPE  Free Appropriate Public Education 
FBA  Functional Behavior Assessment 
FERPA  Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act 
FRCOS  Future Ready Course of Study 
HI   Hearing Impairment 
ID  Intellectual Disability (Mild, Moderate, Severe)
IDEA  Individual with Disabilities Education Act 
IEP  Individualized Education Program 
IFSP  Individualized Family Service Plan  
ISS  In School Suspension 
LEA  Local Education Agency  
LEP  Limited English Proficiency  
LRE  Least Restrictive Environment
MU  Multiple Disabilities 
NCESCOS  North Carolina Extensions to the Standard Course of Study
O&M  Orientation and Mobility 
OCR  Office of Civil Rights 
OCS  Occupational Course of Study 
OEL  Office of Early Learning 
OHI  Other Health Impairment
OI  Orthopedic Impairment 
OSERS  Office of Special Education and Rehabilitative Services 
OSS  Out of School Suspension 
OT  Occupational Therapy 
PE  Physical Education 
PreK  Preschool 
PRT  Preschool Referral Team 
PT  Physical Therapy  
SI Speech or Language Impaired  
SCOS  Standard Course of Study 
SED  Serious Emotional Disability  
SEFEL  Social Emotional Foundations for Early Learning
SLD  Specific Learning Disabilities (sometimes listed as LD) 
TBI  Traumatic Brain Injured 
TDD/TTY  Telecommunications Devices for the Deaf 
VI Visually Impaired, to include Blindness
VR Vocational Rehabilitation