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Transition Supports

Secondary Transition

  • Student-focused process based on abilities, strengths,
    preferences, and interests,
  • Requires IEP team collaboration, and,
  • Prepares students for life after high school.

    Transition graphic

    What is Transition?
    Transition planning is an important part of the IEP development process that helps students prepare for life after high school. Under IDEA, transition services must begin by the time a child turns 16 years old, however, planning starts at the age of 14.

    IDEA defines transition services as a group of activities that are based on an individual child’s needs and are designed to help children with disabilities successfully transition from school to post-school opportunities of adult life. Post-school activities can include postsecondary education, vocational education, integrated employment, continuing education, adult services, independent living, or community participation.
    The IEP team will work together to develop postsecondary goals and transition activities based on an individual student’s abilities, strengths, preferences, and interests. It is vital to have student and parent participation throughout the transition process. (IDEA, 2017)

Transition Programs and Useful Links

Links to webpages containing websites to valuable information for our students, families, educators, and other Exceptional Children stakeholders can be found below or navigated through the side menu. If there are other sites you recommend we add or if links are incorrect or broken please let the webmaster know. Thanks!


School-Based Enterprise

Post Secondary Education Resources

Transition Resources -
North Carolina Agencies / Non-Profits

NC Transition Toolkit 

Transition Resources -
Parents - Family Use

Transition Resources - Teacher Use