Our Philosophy and Our Mission
Our Philosophy
We believe each child in a Head Start Program
- has unique experiences and strengths and can learn.
- needs a comprehensive, interdisciplinary program that fosters development.
- needs high quality educational services in a safe and attractive classroom setting.
- needs developmentally appropriate socialization.
- needs positive, supportive, nurturing, caring, academically competent teachers and assistants.
- needs complete and comprehensive health screenings and follow-up treatment as need indicates.
- benefits from a comprehensive developmental program designed to meet his or her unique needs.
We believe Head Start families
- are the child's first and primary teacher and remain the principal influence on the child's development.
- must participate directly in the child's education.
- must be connected to on-going services within the community.
- possess a sense of dignity and self-worth which can be enhanced through the program.
- will build relationships with each other and people in the community through the program.
We believe interagency relationships
- must cooperate, coordinate, and collaborate in order to maximize services for children and their families.
- must provide joint training of staff and parents.
- must have written procedures for: referrals, evaluations, IEP development, and placements.
- must have a written agreement which addresses transitions and the procedures for sharing resources.
- must have a written agreement which is updated annually.
We believe the program
- strives to meet and exceed quality standards.
- connects the family with on-going services (i.e. medical and dental) within the community.
- maximizes each child's unique experiences and strengths.
- increases each child's social competence and helps to prepare the child to more effectively deal with their present environment, and the forthcoming responsibilities of school and life.
- evaluates the effectiveness of its services for the family, children, and community and makes the necessary adjustments.
Our Mission
To ensure that preschool age children are “school ready” as they transition to kindergarten, thus enhancing the opportunity for a successful school career.