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Test Taking Tips for Parents & Students


 The following tips will provide suggestions for parents on how to approach test taking with their kids.

  • Make sure that your child does all their homework and reading assignments which will help make sure your child is prepared for the test.
  • Encourage your child to space out their studying and homework assignments so that they won't be forced to cram on the night before the test.
  • If you are anxious about your child's test it's ok, but try to keep cool around your child, you don't want them to get anxious about their tests too.
  • Encourage your child to do well, but don't pressure him/her, you may stress him/her out, it is important for your child to stay relaxed on the test.
  • Keep a positive attitude about tests.
  • Provide a quiet, well lighted area with little distractions to help your child study efficiently.
  • Mark down test days on your calendar so you and your child are both aware of testing dates.
  • Make sure that your child gets enough sleep on the night before the test.
  • Ensure that your child eats a healthy breakfast and avoid heavy foods that may make him/her groggy and avoid high sugar foods that may make him/her hyper.
  • Make sure that your child gets up early enough so that he/she will be on time to school.
  • Let your child relax for a few hours before bedtime, it can be stressful for a child to study all night.
  • Talk about the test with your child to help relieve stress about test taking.
  • If your child is struggling on their tests, talk to them about it and meet with their teacher to find out the best way to help your child.
  • Praise/reward your child for their hard work preparing for a test.
  • Encourage them to do better if they don't do well.

test taking tips

 General Strategies for Students

  • Follow all directions.
  • Read the whole question. Think about what the question asks before choosing your answer.
  • Try to answer every question before turning in your test booklet and answer sheet.
  • Don't spend too much time on any one question. Answer the easier questions first but be sure to note the questions you skip.
  • Come back to difficult questions. Try to eliminate some of the choices. Choose the best answer.
  • When you mark the multiple-choice answer sheet, make sure that the number on the answer sheet matches the number of the question you are answering.
  • Check your answers for mistakes.
  • Go back and recheck your answers if you finish before the testing session ends.