NC District Report Cards
North Carolina’s school report cards are an important resource for parents, educators, state leaders, researchers, and others, providing information about school- and district-level data in a number of areas. These include student performance and academic growth, school and student characteristics, and many other details.
Report cards are provided for all North Carolina public schools, including charter and alternative schools. North Carolina's School Report Cards are presented two different ways, designed to meet the needs of all users. An interactive, easy-to-navigate section is available here. This user-friendly website addresses the need for quick reference on topics that are most important to parents and educators. This area is designed and hosted by SAS Institute.
The 2018-19 School Report Card includes the following:
- EL progress indicator
- Long term goalsGrade
- 8th math exception configurations
- School Performance Grades by subgroup
- Subgroup reporting changes for several academic Indicators
- ACT/ACT WorkKeys/ACT & ACT WorkKeys combined
- Alternative school reporting adjusted to comply SBE directive
- CSI/TSI designations (including the reasons for any such designations)
- Participation rate reporting
- School safety by subgroup
- Advanced course enrollment by subgroup
- College endorsements and credentials
- KEA and school readiness
- Digital teaching and learning
Additional indicators will be added to the report cards later this school year, including:
- Class size
- School attendance
- School size
- Educator qualifications
- Educator effectiveness
- Chronic absenteeism by subgroup
- Preschool enrollment by subgroup
- School improvement funding
- Use of funds (LEA and state level)
- Per pupil expenditure (school and LEA level)
- College enrollment
- Arts & education indicator
- National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP)
Parents and others should note that the information in the School Report Card, while important, cannot tell you the entire story about a school. Other important factors — the extra hours put in by teachers preparing for class and grading assignments, the school spirit felt by families, the involvement in sports, arts, or other extracurriculars — are crucial aspects of a school community, but are not reflected on the Report Card.
Should you have any questions, please feel free to contact us in Research & Accountability.