BASES Overview
Game Plan
BASES - Businesses Assisting Schools in Educating Students - is a project designed to join business and industry and the schools together as a cohesive network in the education of children. The model provides a variety of ways for each business to make a meaningful contribution to the education of our children.
BASES has been recognized for its excellence as a school/business partnership by the N.C. Association of Volunteers and Partners in Education. Since its inception, businesses and organizations have contributed over 275,000 hours of volunteer service and over $8.6 million in financial contributions.
Through the combined efforts of educators and the community, instruction and curriculum improvements will be enhanced to better prepare students for employment and the responsibilities of citizenship. Our youth will be ready to successfully meet the challenges of a free society in the 21st century.
How To Score
Participation in the BASES program may be done in numerous ways so that businesses have a choice of the kind and type of support they wish to provide:
- Adopt-A-School by providing release time for employees to volunteer in a school as a tutor, helper, or in special projects.
- Financial mini-grants of $250-$500 or more for individual schools or teachers to provide instructional support and enrichment.
- Sponsor scholarships for teacher training or for students such as a $500 Sponsors for Academic Talent, Inc. Scholarship.
- Provide time for employees to receive training on ways to better understand and work with their child.
- Render financial aid by donating needed equipment and materials.
- Serve on school or school system committees or as a resource person.
- Sponsor educational tips on radio, newspaper or television.
- Serve as a mentor in a "big buddy" or "career shadowing" program such as JobReady.
- Participate in Chamber's School Express Program
If you are interested in learning more about the BASES program, please contact the Community Affairs office at 910-455-2211 Ext. 71602 or
BASES Categories of Recognition
Recognition categories are based on points* earned by businesses through direct donations, in-kind donations or volunteer hours. All information about business participation is reported to the Division of Community Affairs by the BASES contact at each of our school sites.
There are three categories of awards:
- Major League
- All Star
- Hall of Fame
*The number of points awarded to each business will be determined by the BASES Committee. Points are awarded on the basis of number of dollars/hours in relationship to number of employees at the business.