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OCS Board News | November 2024

News from the Board - November 12, 2024


The Onslow County Board of Education held its regular monthly meeting on November 12 at the Eastern North Carolina Regional Skills Center. Agenda items included an annual independent audit report, the final adoption of policies, an instructional services update, and a resolution in support of local public schools in North Carolina. 

Before the start of the meeting, Board Member Louis Rogers made a motion to add to the agenda a “guardian proclamation.” The motion did not pass, in a 2-5 vote.  

After a Good News Spotlight segment, which recognized Board and staff achievements, and a public comment period with 10 speakers, Jeff Hollamon, OCS Chief Finance Officer, took to the podium to introduce the annual independent audit report.  

Dale Smith, a representative from Anderson Smith Wike, PLLC, the agency that performed the audit, shared with the Board that his firm’s audit showed that Onslow County Schools is in great financial standing.   

Next, Chief Communications Officer Brent Anderson came before the Board to ask for the approval of the revised Board Policy 3225, which addresses the responsible use of school technology. The revisions were necessitated by recent changes to state statute. The revisions were approved unanimously. 

In this month’s Instructional Update, staff discussed National Career Development Month and Parent Academy.  

Career Development Coordinator Tiffany Huie spoke to the Board about career development in Onslow County Schools, and how, even though November is National Career Development Month, it is a year-round investment we make in our students. She shared that OCS employs a Career Development Continuum that uses grade-appropriate methods starting in K-5 and continuing through 12th grade. Staff work to create career awareness, offer career exploration, and help with career preparation and training in their time with OCS. These opportunities come in the form of job shadowing, internships, career days, guest speakers, resume writing, Trades Day, job simulations, and more.  

Dr. Michael Elder, director of college and career readiness, finished the instructional update with information about upcoming Parent Academy sessions. Opportunities for families to learn about academic planning in November include a session on scholarships and college access on November 14, and a session on military benefits for college on November 19. Families and students can also learn more about attending East Carolina University at ECU: Let’s Connect on November 21.  

In the Board’s final business item of the night, Mr. Anderson read into the record a resolution in support of local public schools in North Carolina. The resolution passed in a 5-2 vote.