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Threat Assessment Resources

Threat assessment in schools is crucial for ensuring the safety and well-being of students, staff, and the broader school community. By identifying and addressing potential threats early, schools can prevent violent incidents, minimize harm, and create a safer learning environment. A proactive approach to threat assessment allows administrators to assess the severity of potential risks, implement appropriate interventions, and connect students with the support they need. Moreover, it fosters a culture of vigilance and collaboration among educators, law enforcement, and mental health professionals, ensuring that threats are not only identified but also addressed in a timely and effective manner. This comprehensive strategy plays a key role in creating a secure and supportive atmosphere where students can focus on their education without fear.

The links below are resources for Behavior Threat Assessment Teams to aid in their efforts to provide a safe and secure environment for our students.

Behavioral Threat and Management Guide - Best Practices from the North Carolina Center for Safer Schools

U.S. Secret Service Analysis of School Violence

U.S. Department of Education Safe Schools Initiative


Additional Resources