Foreign Exchange Program Guidelines for Approval
Board Policy 4160
Guidelines for approval of a foreign exchange program for students shall be as follows:
A. Program Approval
Prior to placing a student, all organizations must:
- Provide documentation that the program has met standards established by the Council on Standards for International Educational Travel (CSIET) and appear in the current Advisory List of International Educational Travel and Exchange Programs;
- Assure that the organization has a representative residing within 25 miles of the local school district who is not the host parent of the interested student; and
- Provide documentation that the program
- has well defined and executed administrative practices
- has stated educational goals compatible with the generally recognized goals of secondary education in Onslow County Schools
- has demonstrated previous successful placement of exchange students in Onslow County Schools
- is a non-profit organization
- is incorporated
- makes a complete financial report available to the public, and
- does not make payment to area representatives or host families
The Onslow County School System will accept only foreign exchange students through approved programs. All programs must have a Full Listing Status in the Advisory list sponsored by CSIET. A Conditional Listing Status is unacceptable.
Program Responsibilities
The exchange program shall be responsible for assuring that all matters associated with the exchange are facilitated. This includes, but is not limited to:
- Filing a copy of program guidelines with the Onslow County Schools Department of Instruction
- Working with governmental agencies to ensure that the exchange student has fulfilled all requirements for entry into the United States
- Assuming all financial and legal responsibility for the exchange student;
- Providing the Onslow County School System with background information about the student at the time of application with the receiving school;
- Assuming responsibility for all matters associated with living arrangements for the foreign exchange student, such as selecting and orienting the host family; CSIET specifically prohibits “marketing” of athletes by schools or athletic departments;
- Assuring that the area placement counselor provide a monthly visitation, an entry orientation, a mid-year review, and an exit evaluation;
- Meeting with an administrator of the school to which the student is assigned to establish a liaison for the program, the host family, and the school;
- Notifying, in writing, the principal of the assigned school of the need to award and transfer academic credit and informing the principal of any unique procedures involved in this process (Foreign exchange students will not be granted a diploma by the Onslow County School System but may be recognized during graduation exercises);
- Assuring that both host parents are at least thirty years of age and agree to reside in the household for the entire school year;
- Informing the foreign exchange student of the policies of the Onslow County School System concerning the student exchange program;
- Providing documentation of an in-home interview with the prospective host family, and certification that the family is capable of providing adequate sleeping and study arrangements for the student, as well as support for the student’s school activities; and
- Assuring that the primary language spoken by the host parents is different than the native language of the student.
Acceptance of Students
Students who are accepted in the Onslow County School System must meet the following criteria:
- Be subject to approval by the Onslow County School Superintendent
- Apply for admission to the Onslow County School System between February 1 and July 15 of the year in which the student wishes to enroll;
- Be sixteen years of age by the first day of school and not exceed nineteen years of age by the last day of school;
- Present a valid J-1 visa to the principal of the school to which the student is assigned;
- Have a one-plus rating of the English language to function in a regular class without special assistance;
- Present documentation of acceptable academic achievement; and
- Provide the school principal with:
- Insurance documentation (accident and medical coverage)
- Written permission from the program to participate in interscholastic athletics;
- Results of a recent physical examination and proof of required immunizations translated into English;
- A copy of any special rules and requirements contained in the exchange agreement;
- Any other data required by the school or the Onslow County School System; and
- A copy of the transcript translated into English.
In addition:
- All foreign exchange students must be willing to schedule Economics and Personal Finance, Civic Literacy, American History and/or World History and English III as a condition of acceptance.
- All foreign exchange students must agree to remain in the program a full school year. Individual high schools can make exceptions only if their allotment was not filled for the first semester.
- Acceptance will be for one school year or 180 school days.
- The Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs (ECA) requires that all foreign exchange students:
- Pursue a full schedule of courses;
- Have a regional or district representative of the sponsoring agency residing within 150 miles of the host school; and
- Have a student placement counselor, who is not the host parent, residing in Onslow County.
Placement of Students
The assignment of foreign exchange students and the total number of foreign exchange students allowed per school will be agreed upon by the school principal and the superintendent or his designee. Individual school allotment numbers will be reviewed every three years. Considerations in making assignments and allotments may include:
- The availability of space and programs within schools;
- The domicile of the host family; and
- The reputation and service record of sponsoring agencies.
Selection of Courses/Extracurricular Activities
The selection of courses and extracurricular activities will be made through agreement with the program representative, the host family, school personnel and the student.
- A member of the host family or the local program representative should contact school personnel to register the student and select courses and activities. All exchange students must take Economics and Personal Finance, Civic Literacy, American I and/or World History and English III over two semesters.
- Students will be allowed to participate in all extracurricular activities and intramural athletics available to them at the assigned school except where prohibited by restrictions of the exchange program.
- Foreign exchange students may participate in interscholastic athletics with written permission of the program representative, if they meet applicable eligibility requirements under the policy of the Onslow County School System and the North Carolina High School Athletic Association and provide any other necessary documentation. Foreign exchange students may not participate in interscholastic athletics if they have graduated from high school in their own country.
Special Agreements
- Tuition is waived for all foreign exchange students who enroll in the Onslow County School system under these guidelines.
- Foreign exchange students are subject to all rules and regulations governing other students in the Onslow County School system.
- Any impropriety by a sponsoring agency or failure of a foreign exchange student to maintain reasonably good attendance, grades and behavior will result in immediate termination of the foreign exchange student’s enrollment. All improprieties by sponsoring agencies will be reported to the CSIET.
The Foreign Exchange Student Checklist appended to these regulations should be completed for each student.