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Meeting Student Needs with Accommodations

  During this time of Learning From Home, Gifted Services specialists are working to develop and locate resources for teachers and students to utilize.  Specialists are available to meet virtually through Microsoft Teams to help provide support or additional learning opportunities.  Specialists are trying to be very careful to make sure that any work is helping students in their learning, but also not adding to students’ full workloads.  Gifted Services attempts to make our work “different work” and not “more work.”  Specialists are also prepared to help students with social and emotional needs as this time apart and time in virtual learning can create unique challenges.  The contact information for any elementary or middle school gifted services (AIG) specialist can be found on the Onslow County Schools website at At the high school level, the primary point of contact for gifted services is the school counselor.  Gifted Services encourages all students, especially those in Advanced Placement courses to visit for daily lessons and refreshers on AP objectives. 

Exceptional Children Services

It is our commitment to ensure that students with an Individualized Education Program (IEP) through the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act and students receiving services under Section 504 continue to receive a free appropriate public education (FAPE), consistent with protecting the health and safety of the student and those providing that education to the student through alternate or additional methods.

Accessible technology and other methods of providing instruction may afford students, including students with disabilities, an opportunity to have access to high-quality educational instruction during an extended school closure, especially when continuing education must be provided through distance learning.

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