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Active Duty Military Pre-Enrollment

Onslow County Schools is a proud suppoter of our Armed Forces and want to do all we can to support our military families, even before they move to our area.  To ease the transition for our students, active duty military families who have orders transferring them to one of our local bases and intend to live off-base may pre-enroll in their districted school prior to their arrival.  Please contact our Student Services Department at (910)455-2211 if you have any questions. 

To pre-enroll, please follow these steps:

Step 1: Find Your School

It is very common for people to buy or rent homes in a certain area because of the school their child will attend.  Because of this, it is very important that you locate the correct school based on the address of the home you are considering.  Please confirm the school that your child will attend based upon your address by clicking here. Should you have additional questions contact our Transportation Department at (910)455-2211.  PLEASE DO NOT RELY ON ANY OTHER SOURCES FOR THIS INFORMATION

Step 2: Fill Out the Enrollment Forms

At the bottom of this page are links to all the forms you will need to pre-enroll your child in school.  Please print them out and complete them.  These forms include:

  • Pre-Enrollment Form - For the Registration Date, please use the day you intend for your child to begin school.  For the address, please use the home you will be moving into, not your current address.
  • Military Information Form - North Carolina Session Law 2014-15/HB 1060 requires that we collect some basic information about our military families.
  • North Carolina Health Assessment - North Carolina General Statute § 130A-440 requires that every child the registers with North Carolina public schools for the first time must have a health assessment.  The form below is the one that must be used in accordance with state law.
  • Discipline Affidavit - This form must be notarized.  We can use a scanned copy for pre-enrollment, but the school will need the origianal with the embossed notary seal.  You can bring it with you on your child's first day.
  • For parents of middle and high school students:  While not required, a copy of your child's current schedule will help the school set up appropriate courses and expedite getting your child in class on their first day.

Step 3: Return the Forms

Once completed, the forms can be scanned and emailed directly to your child's school.  The appropriate person to receive these forms will be listed on the school's web site as the "Data Manager".  There is a link to their email account on the school's web page.  If you prefer, you can mail the originals  to the approrpiate school.

Step 4: Bring Other Necessary Materials on Your Child's First Day

Pre-enrollment will help the school prepare for your child's arrival and limit any delays in getting your child started in class, but there are some materials the school will need for you to bring on your child's first day:

  • A certified copy of your child's birth certificate or other acceptable proof of birth.
  • Proof of guardianship (such as a custody order, pre-adoptive orders, or simply having your name listed on the birth certificate as a parent)
  • Proof of address such as:
    • Current water or electric bill in parent's name that is no more than 30 days old,
    • Affidavit of residency notarized by the person with whom you are residing.  This person will need to provide proof of address
  • A photo ID of the parent or legal custodian
  • Your child's immunization record - Please follow this link for information about immunization requirements
  • Any custody documents
  • Original copy of the Discipline Affidavit

While not required, the following information would be very helpful when enrolling your child:

  • Name, address, and phone number of the previous school (if applicable)
  • Any student records provided by the student’s previous school such as the most recent report card.
  • Any special programs information such as a copy of an IEP’s, 504 Plan, ESL/LEP Information, or DEP (for gifted students)

For Parents of Kindergarten-Age Students

 A child who is presented for enrollment at any time during the first 120 days of a school year will be considered eligible for initial entry in either of the following circumstances:

  • the child reaches or reached the age of 5 on or before August 31 of that school year; or
  • the child resided in another state and was attending school during that school year in accordance with that state's laws or rules prior to moving to North Carolina. (The child does not need to reach the age of 5 on or before August 31 in this circumstance.)
  • The child did not reach the age of five on or before August 31 of that school year but would be eligible to attend school during that school year in another state in accordance with the laws or rules of that state, and if all of the following apply:
    • The child’s parent is a legal resident of North Carolina who is an active member of the uniformed services assigned to a permanent duty station in another state; and
    • The child’s parent is the sole legal custodian of the child; and
    • The child’s parent is deployed for duty away from the permanent duty station; and
    • The child resides with an adult who is a domiciliary of a local school administrative unit in North Carolina as a result of the parent’s deployment away from the permanent duty station.