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Digital Badges

What is a digital badge?

A digital badge is a representation of a skill, learning achievement, or experience.  Each digital badge has its own distinctive image and recognition criteria. This criterion provides information about what the badge represents and the evidence used to support awarding.

Why digital badging?

Badges are used to set goals, motivate, and communicate success.  They can support learning that happens in new ways, in new spaces beyond the traditional classroom, either online or offline work. Badges can provide a more complete picture of learners' skills, achievements and qualities which can then be communicated.

 What are the benefits of badges?

√ Signals achievement and recognizes new skills

√ Transfers learning across environments and places

√ Supports specialization and innovation

√ Provides a clearer picture of learning and diversity

√ Builds community and opportunity

 How can badges be displayed?

Earners can display their badges on email signatures, through QR codes; digital resumes, share via social networks or through a “digital backpack.”  

Check out the Onslow County School System Badging Portal!